Lexi Soto elected president of UVUSA, 2022 campaign comes to a close

Lexi Soto, along with Keaton Bennett, Jaden Muir, and Bryson Finley have been elected to represent the student body in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Soto, currently serving as the senator for the Woodbury School of Business, was elected with 31% of the vote. Overall turnout for this year had been reported by the UVUSA during their election announcement had jumped to 13%, with 3,616 students voting in the election out of 27,824 eligible voters.

Soto took to social media after the announcement, saying on her instagram, “UVU, I AM ALL YOURS! I am ready to get to work to make this campus a place for everyone and keep the door open [for you]!” Soto also promised to give more updates as the dust from the campaign settles.

Along with Soto, Bennett was elected as the next vice president of engagement, Muir elected as vice president of academic senate, and Finley being elected as the next vice president of student activities.

Along with the election of next year’s executive council, constitutional amendment A, which was proposed to student to change the current position of “social events chair” to “couples event chair.” The change had been said to better reflect on what the role of that position is and to make it clearier to students. This motion passed with 72% of the vote.

Next year’s executive council will be meeting tomorrow for training and beginning the process for selecting cabinet positions that will make up the next student government. Applications for those roles are expected to be released in the coming weeks.

Matthew Drachman

Editor-In-Chief of the UVU Review   (2022-2024)

Starting with the Review in 2021, I have strived to tell every story in a fair and balanced way. As Editor-In-Chief of this organization, I promise that every paper you pick up, and every article you read will be everything the story has to tell and nothing in between.

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