BLOG: Homecoming is here

Nothing says school spirit like Homecoming Week. Food, music, sports, dancing, prizes and lots of green are spread throughout the week, but there is no way to attend every event. So, for your convenience, the UVU Review has found one “don’t miss” event for each day of the week. You’re welcome – and don’t forget to wear green!


To kick off the week, there actually isn’t a student activity. BUT the staff and faculty are having a contest where all offices are invited to decorate their space. Take a walk around campus and find out where the real Wolverine pride is – the winning office gets a free lunch.


Want to earn brownie points with a swamped parent? Offer to take the kids to the Basketball Kids’ Night at the Shurian Family Activity Center. From 6-8 p.m., there will be free food, T-shirts, basketballs and face painting. With minimal effort, you’ll instantly become the favorite uncle/coolest neighbor/best sister ever. That, and you will ensure that the school stays in business as you indoctrinate a new generation of Wolverines.


Take some time this week to learn something new. We are, after all, celebrating being an institution of higher learning. The Outdoor Adventure Center is showing FLAKES, a movie about telemark skiing, at 7 p.m. at Centre Stage. Although the movie is free, a $5 donation at the door is requested. As the perfect preparation for the winter sports’ season, the film features some of the world’s best places to ski – which, of course, includes some home-state footage.


It’s time to get physical. The Intramural office, along with the bookstore and UVUSA, are sponsoring a dodgeball tournament in from 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. in the Ballroom. Teams of six can sign up in SC 105 by Nov. 11 at 4 p.m. for a shot at beating the defending champs, the ROTC.


Everyone is invited to the MAWL sponsored tailgate party at 5:30 p.m. at the McKay Events Center. Chili and hot cocoa will be free for MAWL members and $2 for non-members. Face painting, games and giveaways will also be a part of the evening.


With that Wolverine pride firmly in place, go to a game! The women’s basketball team is playing against Mesa State at 3 p.m. in the McKay Events Center. Come and cheer to make sure that the season gets a strong start.

Bonus activity

There’s no longer any excuse for not representing the school. A T-shirt swap, sponsored by UVUSA, is giving out UVU T-shirts to anyone who brings in a shirt from another college or university. To get your green on, visit the art wall in the student center between 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Nov. 10-12.

A full schedule of homecoming events is located on the calendar at

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