Microwave-free 10-minute lunch
This is the perfect easy snack to help you pretend like the semester is over and you’re lounging in the warmth of the sun, buying fresh produce from a farmer’s market. It’s simple and quick to make, and it comes free from the shame of microwaving something frozen.
Any kind of pan
Any oven with the ability to broil
Parchment paper (recommended, but not required)
1 large Ciabatta or Torta roll
2 small tomatoes
1 avocado
Parmesan cheese
Olive oil, avocado oil, or (garlic) butter
Italian Seasoning
Salt and Pepper (if desired)
NOTE: I purchased my rolls, tomatoes, Parmesan, avocados, avocado oil and garlic butter from Costco.
Step 1: Line a pan with parchment paper
This is purely a preferential choice. It just makes cleanup almost instantaneous.
Step 2: Slice your roll, creating two even halves
The more even the halves are in thickness, the more evenly they’ll broil.
Step 3: Thinly slice your tomatoes
Step 4: Drizzle your roll with the oil of your choice, or spread with garlic butter
NOTE: If you can get your hands on Costco’s “Chef Shamy Gourmet Garlic Butter,” I highly recommend that you do. It’s delicious in this recipe.
Step 5: Top with tomatoes
Step 6: Season
Grind salt, pepper, and the Italian seasoning blend of your choice to taste.
Step 7: Top with shredded Parmesan
Step 8: Broil on low until the cheese is melted and the edges are golden
Warning: The very second that you look away from the oven while broiling anything, is the moment it burns. Watch the oven carefully; it only takes a few minutes (around 3 or 4) for the roll become golden.
Step 9: Remove from the oven, top with avocado and enjoy immediately
Step 10: Repeat every day until you’ve single-handedly eaten an 8-pack of Torta rolls.