Bargain ideas for your spring jeans
Dye your own jeans
Many girls are excited about the fun spring-colored pants that are in now, but with a student budget, many are left wanting. The colors in vogue cost more than $30, but no need to fear. Some Provo girls have discovered a way to get green in their pants, without losing much green.
Tara Amos and Lauren Woodfield saw mint green jeans on and wanted some. The prices were too much, so they decided to buy the dye and do it at home. They bought two packages of dye to get just the right color, along with $20 jeans, and now these girls are ready for the runway.
Cut your own jeans
In the case of jeans, less fabric doesn’t always mean less cost. It seems that cheap shorts are more expensive than cheap pants. The obvious conclusion: cut your cute jeans into cheap summer shorts.
Make colored jeans for under $20
You will need
1 Gallon bucket or large container
1 Pair of cute white jeans $10-15
1 Packet of your favorite color of powder dye $3
How to dye them
1. Pour the dye into a
gallon sized bucket
2. Add hot water
3. Stir until the powder
dye dissolves
4. Soak the jeans in clean hot
water until completely saturated
5. Leave in dye for 30 minutes
6. Remove from dye and rinse well
7. Place jeans in the dryer for
about 45 minutes