Megan Moffitt, a freshman in nursing, had the time of her life when she had the opportunity to go on the CBS show The Price is Right.
On the fourth round, the contestants had to guess what the retail market value for a Flexsteel leather chair and ottoman. Moffitt won the round and with excitement ran on stage in her shirt that said “All I want to do is hang with Drew!”
Moffitt competed in The Race Game; she had four price options that she had to match to four items in 45 seconds. If she got all four items properly matched in time, she would be able to keep them all.
In 16 seconds, Moffitt got all four prices on the items and ran to pull the lever to see how well she did-she had two items that were incorrect. In the following 16 seconds she figured out which two were mismatched and was able to get them corrected with 12 seconds to spare.
From that game, Moffitt won a Golden West Billiards pool table, a Michael Kors accessory collection, an Inspire Fitness home gym and a Frigidare refrigerator.
When it came time to spin for the chance to be in the Showcase, Moffitt spun a 30 after another contestant spun an 85 so she did not make it into that round.
Original story published on Sept 26, 2014
“It’s crazy; that’s the only way to describe it,” said Megan Moffitt, a freshman in nursing about her experience on the CBS show The Price is Right.
Moffitt grew up watching the show and always dreamed of being an audience member, though she never imagined that she would get called to be a contestant.
In July, Moffitt and her family took a trip down to Los Angeles with standby tickets to the show. They anxiously waited in three lines for about seven hours before they were able to get in and seated.
When a couple other audience members and her family said that they thought she would get called down, she just told them that it was a crazy idea since only about 10 out of around 300 people get chosen.
“Shut up!” Moffitt said with excitement when she realized that she got called down. With all that goes on in the room, the names are not only announced but there are signs that help the contestants know that they were chosen.
While on the stage, it felt unreal to her; she kept looking up at her mom in amazement.
The producer did group interviews in batches of about 20 people before they were seated. All that was asked was basic questions about them like their name, where they were from and what they do for a living.
From that interview, they get a feel for each person’s personality so they know whom to choose. The contestants have no idea that they will be called before it’s announced.
While she couldn’t disclose much of her experience, she did say that meeting Drew Carey was one of the coolest things that have happened in her life.
The results of the show, including how well Moffitt did can be seen when the episode airs on Monday, September 29 at 10 a.m.