For those about to rock, we salute you

schedule 2 min read

Illustration by John-Ross Boyce

On March 30, from 5-10 p.m., be prepared for battle as students and their bands duke it out in the courtyard to see who will win this year’s Battle of the Bands competition.

The first place winners take home $300, free studio time and free photography work. The second place winners will receive $150 and third place wins $50.

The event itself should be spectacular, but along with it will be activities, games and treats for the audience. Patrons can get together to play Rock Band, eat cotton candy, snow cones and popcorn and, if they so choose, do some tie-dying.

The cost at the door for those with a UVID is $3 and for those without it is $5. Everyone that comes through the door can support and help their favorite band; the band who brings the biggest crowd takes home an extra $50.

So bring your friends, play some games, support local music and get ready rock at the school’s Battle of the Bands.

If you are interested in joining this year’s Battle of the Bands, pick up an info packet in SC105 or email [email protected]. All bands must have at least one UVU student and all members must be at least 18 years old.