Freshman Reading Program an introduction to campus education

You might have seen the ads for the Freshman Reading Program around campus.

The program is a structured way to experience intellectual life with other interesting and thoughtful people who want to express, explore, evaluate and experience provoking ideas within a university context.

We all come from different backgrounds. Some of us may not have had the chance to really get to know books, experience reflective conversation or learn for the sake of learning. That opportunity is presented in this program.

It includes much more than skimming some pages to do well on a quiz. It introduces you to some of the best ideas that exist and allows you to engage others who are interested in talking about those same ideas.

On Aug. 24, President Holland invited students to his home to think over and talk about the ancient Greek classic Antigone. For some, it might have been a new experience. It can be difficult to voice your opinion or to even develop an opinion.

However, once given the chance to talk about something interesting, you get a taste for it that grows and becomes sweeter with every new addition to your interest.

Antigone explores the origins of our society’s values. It may cause you to think about the fundamental truths of our culture and our intellectual heritage in a beautiful medium.

Why is the rule of law so important? Should the individual or the community take precedence? Why exercise moderation when the possibility of power exists? Is my duty to my family or to the state?

All of these ideas are considered, explored and challenged within Antigone. When Sophocles wrote this play thousands of years ago, he began a conversation that we are still debating today.

Participate in the Freshman Reading Program. Let it be the snowball that starts an avalanche of wonder, insight and love of ideas.

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