What do you think about concealed carry on campus?
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.”
Kaeli Schneider
Sophomore, Pre-Nursing
“It really just depends on if there’s a reason for it. I think if they just want to come wearing it, I don’t think there’s any real reason to take a gun to class.”
Vince Bria
Freshman, Undecided
“That shouldn’t be allowed. Why should it be allowed? We have cops around school.”
Solomon Gathu
Freshman, Computer Science
“Well, if they have their permit then I guess they can.”
Katie Edwards
UCAS student
“I think for normal people it’s fine, but I don’t think on a campus environment it’s a very wise idea.”
Kristin Gardner
Senior, Paralegal Studies
“I agree with it as long as it’s within the law. You can carry a concealed weapon as long as you have a permit.”
Tyler Larrabee
Sophomore, Pre-Health