The sisters of the Order of Hoboken are working feverishly to raise money to bury their fellow sisters, who had been accidently poisoned by their untalented and untrained cook.
The sisters were able to bury the first 48 deceased nuns after their Mother Superior had created and sold several successful greeting cards. However, before the last four sisters were buried, Mother Superior decided to buy an entertainment center and the remaining four nuns were placed in a temporary resting place (the freezer) until they could raise more funds through a benefit show.
This is how the musical, “Nunsense,” produced by the PG players begins. They began performing this irreverent comedy on March 5 and will continue through March 22.
The play, put on by local actresses at the Keith Christeson Little Theater in Pleasant Grove, offers a uniquely hilarious experience for audiences.
“The actresses have developed some really fun, personable characters whom we really cheer and pull for, yet we can thoroughly laugh with, relate to and enjoy in all their human silliness,” said Luone Ingram, who plays Mother Superior.
From the opening of the play to the very last note ringing through the small theater, this meager cast of nuns had the audience roaring with laughter. Though these ladies are devout catholic nuns, who have a reputation for severity, they still have a great sense of humor.
Their first, very catchy number entitled “Nunsense is Habit-Forming,” sucked the audience in and set the tone for an addictive series of musical numbers thereafter.
This group of silly nuns gave a brief history of their Order, followed by a quiz given to the audience by Sister Amnesia, the funniest character in the cast, who, as her name suggests, has amnesia because a cross fell on her head.
Sister Amnesia is a very childlike and entertaining character. When audience members answered questions correctly, Sister Amnesia awarded them with a prayer card or a CTR (Catholics Totally Rule) ring.
The play was filled with amusing wisecracks at every turn as each person showed her unique personality. Sister Mary Leo, the youngest sister in the order who once dreamt of being a dancer, is committed to being a nun although she wishes she could wear a tutu because she would be more beautiful.
Each character comes from a surprising past, but each have taken their past experiences and become better servants of God because of them — even Sister Amnesia, who finally remembers who she really is toward the end of the play.
Sister Amnesia was originally going to be a country singer and go to Nashville because she wanted to sing songs with titles like “Drop kick me Jesus,” until she felt a calling from within and joined the Order.
“I decided to come here and be unimportant like all of you,” Sister Amnesia said.
This humorous play is done exceptionally well by some remarkably talented ladies and is most definitely worth the drive out to Pleasant Grove to see. You can purchase your tickets online at if you desire to help these poor sisters empty their freezer and get their fellow nuns six feet underground where they undoubtedly belong.