Is now the time to “Feel the Bern”?

schedule 3 min read

If you’re a follower of the Sanchez Chronicles, i.e., my articles, then it’s probably not difficult to observe that I lean more to the left than the right on the topic of politics. Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m a supporter more of who has the better interest in what’s best for our country, but I personally feel that is more Liberal than Conservative.

With that being said, our beloved nation is in an election year, and faces one of the toughest decisions ever: “Make America great again” by voting for a modern day Hitler (my personal opinion), vote for an old man who many assume needs a lesson in Econ. 101, or vote for our potential first female president, who is possibly facing federal charges for her e-mail controversy…?

I support the thought of our first female president. It’s about time for some real change, but I don’t think Hillary is the right fit for the position, and I definitely do not support “The Donald”. So, as you can assume, my vote goes to Bernie! The problem: Bernie doesn’t seem to stand a chance right now, unless he can miraculously kill it in California, and clean house on the delegates.

Let’s look at this election as a whole. A lot of people support Trump, as he is a change from your daily politician, and they fear what Clinton might be capable of. Many support Sanders, as he’s a great thought for the American people, but lacks the resource and the credibility/awareness. Surprisingly, however, Sanders has made a drastic increase in voting turnout by reaching out to the millennial voters.

So, the problem at whole is simple; people don’t want Trump, nor Clinton. But they are somewhat too afraid to vote for Sanders. So the Dems vote for Clinton, Reps vote for Trump, Sanders gets minimal love, which creates this result: if it’s Trump vs. Clinton, Trump will win, but if it’s Trump vs. Sanders, Sanders will win…

People, it definitely is the time to start Feeling the Bern, seriously though. I am not a political science major, but I definitely know that when it comes to our nations finances, domestic affairs and foreign affairs, I want someone who has experience and knowledge in what to do. Not someone who has literally no experience with politics. I am terrified for what will come if Trump wins office. I know we’re scared, but look what happened to Germany in 1934. If you still want to vote for Trump, then please do everyone a favor: take a quick history lesson and review before you hit the polls. Comment or tweet your thoughts @thereal_jsanch.