Letter: apply to be on UVUSA council

Dear UVU Students,

Utah Valley University was named the largest university in the state this last year. With the number of students exceeding 33,000, we aren’t just the largest school, but we’re the best in a variety of ways. What many students don’t realize is just how fortunate we are in terms of involvement opportunities. Your 2016-2017 student body officers are taking it upon themselves to inform you of some amazing opportunities coming your way.

To say we are excited is an understatement. We’re pumped to let our peers know applications for UVUSA Student Council are now open. From now until March 25th at noon, applications for senators, club ambassadors, activity chairs, the MAWL President, PR Chair, Chief Justice, and liaisons are available for you to apply for.

Along with all their specific duties, all members of council are called upon to represent their peers to the administration. We are asking all students of all backgrounds (traditional, non-traditional, multicultural, international, freshmen, etc) to apply. If you like full-tuition scholarship waivers, making friends, being engaged in your university, and making a difference on the best student council in the state of Utah, we invite you to apply.  

To make the application process easier, we would like to invite all students with questions about applying, or those looking for more info about positions to attend one of our application info sessions. You can meet and talk to current council members to get the inside scoop on what each position entails. Come eat pizza and join us on March 10th or 22nd at noon in SL 122. We look forward to seeing you there.


Birch, Jensen, Tanner, Lauren, and Blake

UVUSA 2016-2017 Executive Council

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La Narca
La Narca
8 years ago

Dear Birch, Jensen, Tanner, Lauren, and Blake (UVUSA 2016-2017 Executive Council), Please fix the typos on your graphic. Liason is spelled LIAISON and Cheif Justice is CHIEF Justice. For goodness sake we’re an educational institution.