Letter to the Editor February 15, 2011
I have a class that required a textbook that we haven’t used once this semester even though we’re now in February until our teacher announced in class last Friday we would be starting to use our book on Monday. So Monday, I bought the book from the bookstore and was warned by the cashier that I could only return the book in the next 24 hours. When we didn’t use our textbooks in class, I went to the bookstore to return it. Everything was going fine until the cashier told me that there was a “$5.00 restocking fee for returns.” Who does that go to? Is it really $5.00 worth of work to restock a book? Employees are already getting paid for restocking books. If it’s not in the job description for an hourly wage, someone better add it in there. I want my $5.00 back, or at least an explanation of why that fee exists.
-Leah Myer