New kid on the block

The new English journal, Essais, give students the chance to publish their academic research papers. Photo by Kelli Schimelpfenig

“I wanted somewhere I could submit my paper on James Joyce,” says Jenna Atkynson, co-founder of the university’s new English journal, Essais.

Following in the tradition of Touchstones and Warp and Weave, respectively the school’s creative and speculative fiction journals, Essais is in its first semester and will be the depository for academic papers focusing on English and Cinema Studies.

Students will showcase academic achievement with opinion-based research papers as well as literary and critical analysis. These journals are an opportunity for students to experience publishing their own works in bound and online form, which looks excellent on resumes and in portfolios.

Essais is asking for submissions to be turned in by 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 18 in LA 114. Staff members and volunteers for reading submissions are needed.

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