Sweets selling sweets

Delicious desserts were recently on sale to benefit a home for abused children. Photos by Ai Mitton/ UVU Review
Delicious desserts were recently on sale to benefit a home for abused children. Photos by Ai Mitton/ UVU ReviewThe Kappa Sisters Sorority held a Top Pastry Chef competition at Centre Stage on Feb. 24 with proceeds being donated to The Christmas Box HouseThis was not your average school bake sale. The contest was open to any student wishing to enter, with prizes going to the three best desserts.

The Kappa Sisters Sorority held a Top Pastry Chef competition at Centre Stage on Feb. 24 with proceeds being donated to The Christmas Box House.

This was not your average school bake sale. The contest was open to any student wishing to enter, with prizes going to the three best desserts.

When the students from the culinary arts program showed up dressed in aprons and official chef attire, looking like they had just stepped out of a gourmet kitchen, you knew it was no ordinary competition. Over half of the people who entered were students from the culinary arts program. Some of their desserts were so elaborate, you wouldn’t even know how to spell their name.

The winning dessert was a chocolate sour cream soufflé cake, with peanut butter cream cheese frosting, a chocolate frangelico ganache and caramel pretzel crisp on the side for presentation (but it was tasty too).

The deserts were judged on appearance, taste, presentation and originality.

“There were some desserts I wasn’t really impressed with but the majority of them were awesome,” said Gary Rasmussen, one of the judges and owner of The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe in Provo.

Kyle Maag, a contestant who didn’t win but did contribute an amazing popcorn panna cotta with caramel sauce, found that the experience was reward enough for him.

“I just did this for the experience. It doesn’t matter who comes in first or second. The money goes to a good cause,” Maag said.

The Kappas participate in one to two service projects a month. For this event more than $200 was collected.

“100 percent of all the money raised today goes to the Christmas Box House which is a shelter for abused kids,” said Shanae Tippets, a member of the sorority. “It’s a great charity and we’re excited to help them out.”

The Kappa Sisters are currently a club but have applied to become a national charter. They’ll find out soon, but if they are accepted UVU will be the second school in Utah to be associated

with the Kappa Delta sorority.

Typical members would be described as scholarly, down to earth, friendly and dedicated. They currently have 15 members but will be starting recruiting this week. Women wanting to participate in the next rush should contact kappasistersuvu@gmail.com or find out more on Facebook by searching “Kappa Sisters at UVU.”

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