Synergy Dance Company thrives on creating vibrant and bright dances that have underlying meanings of life. They travel to various schools to perform not only entertaining, but also informative, demonstrations that support UVU’s strong dance core curriculum. The beginnings came almost two decades ago when students formed a club of dancers that had the craving to design their own dances. Now, they not only create, but have outstanding guest choreographers and faculty assist in the making of their art.
On the evenings of Nov. 11-13 at 7:30, the former club, now a company, is scheduled to put on a series of dance routines entitled Reset.
The program’s name originates from the freshness of the crew. Compris-ed of mostly freshmen and sophomores, Synergy is taking on a renewed ambitious agenda without deserting the traditions that have held them together for the last 18 years.
According to the company, the program will provide rough and soft strokes depicting “the raw sensual and powerful nature of women” and the “driving pulse that unites us as human beings.” Synergy is working in partnership with prominent choreographers John Corsa, Nicholas Cendese and Natosha Washington, who aim to generate a program that is both meaningful and beautiful.
Monica Campbell, Synergy’s first-year director, describes Reset as “a taste of everything” from fast hip-hop techniques to more graceful soft pieces. The musical score of the night’s event varies by dance, but ranges from modern hits by R&B queen Missy Elliott to punk-rock group Rise Against without forgetting traditional music scores.
Reset features 25 original dances varying from six to 15 minutes, derived from the imaginations of students, faculty and guest choreographers. According to Campbell, the production is “the merging of the talents of students, faculty and guests, and pushing forward to a new horizon. It’s the final representation of what modern dance consists of.”
Tickets are available at Campus Connection at $8 for students and $10 for the general public.
Nov. 11 through the 13 at 7:30, Synergy Dance Company will present its production Reset.
Tickets are available at Campus Connection at $8 for students and $10 for the general public.