Unsolicited Dating Advice: Improving your chances for a second date

Ladies, are you getting asked out, but have noticed that things rarely progress beyond the first date? You’ve had a great time ice blocking together, followed up with frozen yogurt and the most amazing conversation ever, but the days tick by and you don’t hear back from him. Fret not! You just need to get yourself out of the first-date funk. Oftentimes the only thing that stands in the way of a second date with that great guy is a little assertiveness on your end.

  • Be gracious. Nothing turns a guy off more quickly than a girl who doesn’t appreciate him. Recognize the fact that it takes some backbone to ask you out in the first place, not to mention the detailed planning, the money and the significant risk to his self-esteem. A simple and sincere “thank you” can go a long way and set you apart from any other potential girlfriends.
  • Break the touch barrier. The main love language of the vast majority of males on this planet is physical affection. It’s very possible you went home thinking your date was a mind-blowing success. You connected intellectually and really got to know each other on a deep personal level.  He, on the other hand, is wondering why you weren’t interested in him after trying so hard all night to maintain a quality conversation to prove his interest in you. I mean, you didn’t even touch him once! Not even a playful hit on the arm.
  • Initiate post-date contact. If you had fun, don’t hesitate to text him that night on his way home and tell him you had a blast and that you hope to hear from him soon. The chances of him asking you out again drastically increase when he knows you actually enjoyed your time with him. Relationships are a two way road, requiring effort by both parties. Without a little encouragement, we men often talk ourselves right out of asking you out for that second date. Don’t let us do that – especially if you really would like a round two.

Now you know what to do! Break that second date barrier and you’ll find yourself in a relationship faster than you can say “I do.”

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[…] continued my endless barrage of dating advice.  As a good friend of mine said in a comment on my recent column, “Those who can’t do, […]