‘She Stoops to Conquer’ L.A. tour Twitter updates

Last month, the cast of She Stoops to Conquer was able to take their show on the road and perform in front of other universities and professional state actors at the prestigious Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. Since the show uniquely incorporated an eighteenth century play with the modern technologies of Facebook and Twitter, cast member Robbie Pierce made sure to update his Twitter while participating in this exciting opportunity.

Monday 7 Feb

6:55 a.m. a.m. Rise and shine, everyone! Time to board the bus and leave the frozen state of Utah!

11:22 a.m. So far still to go. I hope all the designers and the driver brought earplugs, ‘cause we actors don’t really ever shut up.

7:20 p.m. It’s 78 degrees! 78 Jeffing degrees! So worth the bus drive down here.!

Tuesday 8 Feb

11:15 a.m. If you’re not in the hotel lobby now, you’re late. We’re all headed to load our set into the space.

12:03 p.m. We have a problem. The theater’s in a basement that doesn’t get cell service, and we text the audience in our show.  Time to think outside the box. Sending Chase Brown and Jake Porter to find a solution.

5:17 p.m. Success Jake and chase found a magical box that you plug in and it increases your cell signal in a room! It’s working! Now if only there were such a box that would hang and focus stage lights for us, we’d be set.

Wednesday 9 Feb

6:32 a.m. Two performances today, the first at 9:00 a.m. We’ll be ready! Costume and makeup time!

4:56 p.m. The crowd is huge! And they’re loving us! And everyone keeps breaknig props! It’s Ok, though. Jake Suazo is hamming it up and they’re loving him for it.

6:27 p.m. Standing ovation! We rocked it!

Thursday 10 Feb

7:45 a.m. Getting ready for the meeting for all Irene Ryan nominees. Our school has 17 this year, plus their partners!

3:43 p.m. Hopefully everyone gets a chance to see all the displays from all the lighting, costume, makeup, sound, and set designers up in the theater. We’ve got some great work on display!

Friday 11 Feb

12:07 a.m. Congratulations to Jake Suazo and partner Cherie Julander for moving on to semi-finals! Now time for bed!

11:04 a.m. There are so many workshops to attend here for actors, directors, writers, and designers. Plus free shows to watch and all the competitions. There’s not enough time to do everything!

3:40 p.m. Congratulations to Dan Anderson and Levi Brown for making it to callbacks for a few different acting companies through Next Step! Those will be in a few weeks!

9:25 p.m. Several UVU students have made it to finals for design, including Jason Sullivan (Wiley, Scenery); Daniel Whiting (She Stoops, Scenery); Jared Lewis (Wiley, Costumes); Kirsti Christensen (She Stoops, Lighting); Casey Price (Wiley, Lighting); Caitlin Webb (Wiley, Makeup); Becca Acosta (Noises Off, Makeup); & Jason Jensen (She Stoops, Sound)

Saturday 12 Feb

12:14 a.m. Jake and Cherie are moving on to finals! Congrats!

9:27 p.m. time for the awards ceremony!

10:25 p.m. We just won the golden wrench award for best load in! go UVU!

10:39 p.m. Congrats to Heather Oberlander for winning an honorable mention for her dramaturgical work on last season’s “A Doll House.” Our school rocks.

11:12 p.m. Jason Jensen won for his Sound & Multimedia designs for “She Stoops.” Congratulations Jason for a job well done!

11:47 p.m. Jake and Cherie come in third in the Irene Ryans! That means that if someone else drops, they’ll get to go to Nationals. This is a huge honor!

Sunday 13 Feb

8:57 p.m. Back at good old UVU. And it’s almost kinda warm! Didn’t think we could all miss this place, but it feels good to be back! Now we start work on Tea With Mint or Lemon! it never ends!

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