With North Korea, ISIS and Russia on the frontpage, former director of the CIA, NSA and retired four-star general, Gen. Michael Hayden, will join UVU to discuss national security issues Oct. 11.
“It seems very timely to have him here now,” Frederick White, associate vice president of engaged learning and organizer for the event, said. As head of the CIA and NSA, Hayden has seen the world, both good and bad, according to White.
“I couldn’t be more excited to have General Hayden coming to UVU,” said Ryan Griffith, a political science and national security student. “He has a remarkable career in public service and is well respected in the world of national security. I’m fascinated with the intelligence community so I’m hoping that he will talk a lot about his time as director of the CIA and NSA. This really is an incredible opportunity to have him come to UVU, and I hope that a lot of people will take advantage of this unique experience.”
Hayden will cover “Hotspots at Home and Around the World” in his lecture. Topics that may be included are the impact of the recent US presidential election, current global events, the delicate balance of American security and liberty and the possible benefits and dangers the cyber domain can create.
“There are tectonic shifts afoot in global geopolitics today,” Hayden said, according to a printed statement from the president’s office. “…American liberal order is melting down and the rest of the world is watching and wondering what America believes its role should be moving forward. In the meantime how do we intend to deal with near term issues like North Korea, ISIS and Russia…to name just a few.”
The Presidential Lecture Series is free and open to the public. The event will be held in the Classroom Building Lecture Hall from 11 a.m.-12 p.m..