Virtual Pumpkin Carving Night Offers Students a New Way to Connect This Halloween Season

The month of October brings lots of Halloween fun and the UVU Housing office has made sure to get in on it this year. Residential community leaders (RCL’s) have planned dozens of activities for students to join virtually. Many of these activities are offered at local apartment complexes, but any UVU student is welcome to attend. 

“The more the merrier,” said RCL Hunter Moss. 

On Thursday, Hunter and fellow Carriage Cove RCL Kate Gallacher, hosted a virtual pumpkin carving night. The event featured Halloween music, Santa Claus, and of course pumpkin carving — or in the case of one attendee, apple carving. 

Students who attended the event were provided with pumpkin carving materials and an excess of Halloween candy right to their front door. The event was hosted virtually via Zoom and was the “smaller” of the two activities which the Carriage Cove RCL’s host monthly. 

“The biggest challenge at this point is getting people who are afraid to participate in our activities to actually participate,” said Gallacher. 

Both Moss and Gallacher noted a decrease in event attendance due to the requirement of a virtual format. While neither noticed a significant drop off in student residents at Carriage Cove going into the fall semester, both agreed that the virtualization that has occurred over the semester has inspired a subtle shift in the resident population.

“At night it is typically difficult to find parking here. But recently, that has not been much of an issue,” Gallacher said during the event. 

Regardless of if there are 10 students or 100 students living in the apartment complexes affiliated with UVU housing, RCL’s are determined to offer uplifting activities that get students involved. Moss expressed his excitement for an upcoming “Vine” inspired activity, which both he and Gallacher are hoping will inspire greater attendance at Carriage Cove. 

Students who are interested in joining this event or any of the dozens which are offered throughout Orem can check out the UVU housing website. Students can also follow UVU housing on Instagram @uvuhousing, and gain access to important updates and information about upcoming activities.

Madisen Crandall

Senior Staff Writer and Assitant Sports Editor 

English major with an emphasis in Creative Writing- double minor in Environmental Studies and Communication.

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