Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 is the official opening date of the Frontrunner stop in Provo.
Students at UVU balance a lot throughout their week, including traveling to and from school, work and home. Many students receive
internships their junior and senior year, some of which are miles away from Orem and can mean a stressful rush-hour drive for some. However, in December of 2012, that will change.
On April 5, the Utah Public Transit Authority, UTA, announced the official opening date of the FrontRunner extension from Salt Lake City to Provo. This extension will include stops in Orem, American Fork and Lehi.
The FrontRunner currently starts in Ogden, and ends in central Salt Lake.
On Monday, Dec. 10, residents of Utah County will have access to FrontRunner, which will make traveling the harsh commute from Provo to SLC a breeze. According to UTA, the preparations will begin in April. In order to conduct research around the arrival and to make the necessary changes in bus routes, it will take seven months for UTA to be completely prepared for the new FrontRunner route.
UTA is asking for active citizen participation while planning for the opening date.
For many UVU students and Utah County residents alike, this means they may be asked questions or asked to fill out surveys on mass transit.
“We hope to get good participation at this early stage,” said UTA General Manager Michael Allegra. “Every comment received will help us better understand what Utah County citizens would like to see in their transit system.”
Hillary Bingham, a student at UVU, often travels to northern Utah to visit her family.
“I’m from Ogden, and I typically go home two weekends out of the month. FrontRunner would really save me money,” Bingham said.
Students at UVU can purchase year-round discounted UTA passes that work on all UTA busses, Trax and FrontRunner for $40. Student UTA passes expire Sept. 15 every year.
When asked if she would use a UTA student pass, Bingham said, “I already have [a bus pass], and I don’t use it to get anywhere but school. It’s a lot easier and cheaper than paying for a parking pass, I think it’s totally worth the money and it’s a lot less hassle.”
There will be five open house events in anticipation of the new FrontRunner stop during the month of April. Anyone is free to drop attend the open house.
I think every UVU student should consider getting the UTA annual pass for $40! Thats half the cost of UVU’s rip off parking pass. If we all got the UTA pass UVU might pull their heads out and compete with the price of UTA. I doubt they will beat the UTA value!