Bringing the political process to Utah Valley University could not have better advocates than Miss UVU and the Student Government Chief Justice.
In an effort to increase the number of students registered to vote this November, Tom Merrill, UVU’s student Chief Justice, teamed up with Christina Lowe, Miss UVU, to register students for the upcoming election.
“The goal this year is to register 4,000 students,” said Lowe. “We’re about halfway there.”
The group hopes to reach its goal by Oct. 6, the deadline for voter registration.
“We had overwhelming results the first day,” said Jeremy Simmons, a member of the Justice Committee. “We set up a registration table in the hall. I grab people and make them sign up.”
Students can choose whether to include party affiliation on their voter registration form.
“We’ve been told to be non-partisan when students register because we don’t want to influence them to any party,” said Simmons. “I’ve been asked on several occasions what party Barack Obama is from. It’s kind of funny.”
The group has had approximately 25 volunteers give their time throughout the campaign.
“The volunteers have worked at the table in the hall, made phone calls and worked to design and create publicity,” said Merrill.
“We’ve used the marquee, banners in the hall, word of mouth and buttons,” said Merrill. “The buttons have been a big hit; people really dig the buttons.”
More than just a way to show that you have voted, the buttons will also act as a ticket into the “Rock the Vote” concert election night. The concert will feature Recycle Percussion, along with other local “mystery bands,” according to Merrill.
“‘Rock the Vote’ is a nation-wide effort to get young people involved in the political process,” said Merrill. “Its mission is to engage and build their political influence.”
Other activities and games will be provided at “Rock the Vote,” many of which are intended to be a surprise. A news feed of election updates will be projected onto a giant screen.
The “Rock the Vote” concert, scheduled for Nov. 4, will be followed by an all-night party that will go on until an election winner has been announced.
“It’s amazing how many students have turned out to register,” said Lowe. “UVU has been the number one school in the past for students registered to vote, and we hope we reach our goal this year.”
To register to vote, go to