Hall of Flags becomes epicenter of UVU Job Fair

Students gathered in the Hall of Flags to hear from local businesses about their opportunities for employment as students are seeking work this fall semester.

The fair saw companies ranging from Tesla, FedEx, i9 Sports, Wave Electronics and many others. These companies were excited to share with students about the benefits of their organization for them as well as the life experience they could gather from working with them.

“We are growing like crazy,” said Andrew Toronto, who represented Wave Electronics at the job fair. “We are building a campus in Springville, we’re including multiple restaurants, a library, grocery store … all employed by Wave Electronics employees.”

Many of these companies were fielding positions that were both part-time and full-time. As students return for the fall semester and move into the local area, many seek work as a part of their time on campus, paying for school and bills. Many seek jobs on campus as well through the UVU jobs portal.

“Work hard and everything will be okay,” Toronto stated. “Put your effort into something that matters.”

UVU has resources that are available to students to help them find work! One of these resources is the UVU Career Development Center. The center has resources like the career lab which helps with resumes and other interviewing skills that help students get ahead.

For more help with career development, visit the career lab from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. Monday-Friday in room LC- 409.

Matthew Drachman

Editor-In-Chief of the UVU Review   (2022-2024)

Starting with the Review in 2021, I have strived to tell every story in a fair and balanced way. As Editor-In-Chief of this organization, I promise that every paper you pick up, and every article you read will be everything the story has to tell and nothing in between.

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