The Thursday before Halloween brought out the usual early-costume wearers on campus this year. Amid the typical witches, Vikings and fairies, was a poor apparel and accessory choice by one student.
According to Brad Plothow from University Marketing, the student, a former member of the military, entered the library wearing military fatigues and a combat helmet, while carrying an air soft rifle mock up of an AR 15.
Given the horrific campus shootings that have occurred over the past few years, such as when a gunman shot 48 people on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007, it was not surprising that somebody called the police.
According to Plothow the UVU police received a call between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 28 from the library.
Soon after the call, police officers, some of whom were armed with assault rifles, crept through the library, checking booths and peering out windows. By the time the police arrived, the make-believe solider was already outside, heading towards the Student Center.
One of the officers spotted him and they all quickly stormed out of the building, catching up to the costume wearer in the grassy area that lies between the library and the student center.
The police discovered that the student meant no harm, but cited the student for disorderly conduct.
“It is poor judgment to bring anything that looks like a weapon onto campus,” Plothow said.
Andrea Lindgren also contributed to this article.