Healthy life ‘on the cheap’

Participants at the health fair learn how to stay healthy on a college-student budget. Things like drinking enough water were encouraged. Courtesy of stock.xchng

Park a little further away from the school. Use the stairs, not the elevator. Make sure you drink eight glasses of water a day.

All of these are ways to keep yourself healthy, and none of them require spending money.

This was the message that the Student Health and Wellness Center was trying to pass on to the students as part of the annual Health and Fitness Fair on Sept. 28, held in the Hall of Flags.

“We want to give people information they can use here on campus or that they can use at home,” said Amy Grubbs, wellness education specialist on campus, who has organized this fair for the last 17 years.

As part of this event, students had the opportunity to pick up flyers on ideas of how to stay healthy with little or no cost to themselves. The fair also provided information about programs offered around campus, such as free yoga classes and weight room schedules.

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