Translation of Aqui y Ahora: Nadie se quede atrás
The first year in college requires commitment, effort and dedication. No one is forced to begin a university career especially when it comes to international students.
Everyone is here because they have goals and want to get ahead. For many, the first year in college is the hardest. They realize it is a serious matter and they should give their best and not feel overwhelmed and frustrated to eventually give up their dreams.
Marian Jimenez, is an international student, studying business administration. Not only this is her first year of college, but also her first time attending a university in the United States. For her, and many of the students in the same boat, it has been very difficult to adapt to a new culture, different climate, being away from family and also to learn a new language.
For Marian, the hardest part of college is learning about what is going on around campus. She feels she has missed many opportunities to participate in events and activities simply because she does not know about the activities and programs that the university, which she could participate in.
According to research carried out by the Institutional Research department, last year 10 percent of students were not residents of Utah and almost 2 percent were international students.
Many do not know that the university provides information to accommodate and encourage international students to participate more. International and Multicultural Centers offer support for students who do not feel part of the university or are not aware of what is happening around them because of language barriers or lack of information.
The centers also offer financial aid and scholarships. Students may also have access to computers and other activities of the multicultural center, they can receive academic and career counseling, participate in cultural events of which many include games, food and a pleasant time with people from the same culture. They can also find help to access other departments in the university and the best is it allows them to have a place to go make new friends.
For more information visit HYPERLINK “”, International Center 801-863-8342 Bret Breton, Assistant Director Multicultural Center 801-863 8885 o Kathy en UVU Latino Initiative 801-863-7357
English Translation by Gladis Higginbotham