Here and Now: Not from here nor there

Many illegal immigrants came to the U.S. with their parents when they were very young.

These children had no choice but to follow them. No one asked if they would come and mix into another culture far from their homeland. These children went to elementary school, many have graduated from high school and many of them speak English better than their native language.

These students are now in a legal limbo.

“I’ve lived most of my life in the United States, I was brought here when I was 5, I know no one in Mexico.” student Rocio Soria said. “I graduated from high school and attended college in New York City a few years too, but could not continue my studies.”

They cannot receive financial aid and some states do not even allow them to get a college education. Some other states like Utah do allow them to attend, however, financial aid is not available under any circumstance.

Some graduate from college, but they are stuck once they are finished because they cannot use their education to work and improve the community due to the lack of legal citizenship.

The DREAM Act would change this reality.

To help students and faculty learn more about this bill, the university will hold a symposium with speakers such as, Jose Enriquez, founder of Latinos in Action and administrator at Mountain View HS, Lynn England, retired dean of the department of Sociology at BYU and currently an instructor of Behavioral Sciences, and Mark Alvarez, writer and editorial consultant of law.

This event will be held 2:00 p.m. on Nov. 17 in the library, LI 120.

All students, teachers and community members are invited to attend.

English translation by Gladis Higginbotham

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