“I would do nothing but make fun of everyone else. My goal would be to get in a fight with every person in the cast, and I would fight crime on the side.”
–Jarom Moore, Assistant News Editor
“Me, Gary Busey and Charlie Sheen hangin’ out, drinking tiger blood and fighting warlocks.”
–Lex Bourgeous, News Writer
“Look directly into the camera and stare them the f—k down.”
–Rob Steffen, Swimsuit Model
“I would use my special talent—the one where I am a teenage werewolf, and I’m really good at basketball. Go Beavers!”
–John-Ross Boyce, The V Editor
“I would put video footage of me changing diapers.”
–Andrea Whatcott, News Editor
“I would make a video of all the clichés from Spring Break related videos. You know the one’s I’m talking about (winky face emoticon).”
–Elyse Taylor, Designer
“I would send in a video of me working my ass off or sleeping. That’s what I do on Spring Break.”
–Kira Terry, Sports Editor.