Insects collected for biology program

Six UVU students, biology lab manager Melissa Monk and Dr. Wayne Whaley from the UVU Biology Department traveled to St.
George, Utah, April 3 to collect insects for use by the department.

Accompanied by Christy Bills, an entomologist from the Utah Museum of Natural History, the group spent Saturday and Sunday in various areas around St. George collecting butterflies, beetles and any other insects that could be found. Despite bad weather conditions, more than 100 specimens were collected.

Monk said the insects gathered will be used to teach students the methods of insect specimen preservation and for ongoing research at UVU.

The preserved insects will be added to the UVU insect collection, which is currently very limited. The insect collection is a valuable teaching aid in laboratories and classes.

Another similar trip is being planned for this summer. For more information, contact Melissa Monk at

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