Jenn’s Dusty Future

Despite having unfortunate, short commercial breaks, the stand out film of 2010 is going to be Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks reuniting in the flick You’ve Got G-mail. Yes, the technology driven romance theme is back and it is still conveniently based on the internet.

schedule 2 min read

Despite having unfortunate, short commercial breaks, the stand out film of 2010 is going to be Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks reuniting in the flick You’ve Got G-mail. Yes, the technology driven romance theme is back and it is still conveniently based on the internet.

Because the first film concluded so predictably and successfully last time around, the creators decided to do it again (naturally). Now using features such as G-mail chat with video, Ryan and Hanks are easily swept away while sitting in bed together on their MacBook Pros. Playing off of the growing trend of a number of Americans’ need to G-mail chat to even the person sitting next to them, the movie consists of reading funny anecdotes between the two while they smirk at one another. There is hardly any spoken dialogue – they let their fingers do the talking. Also using text messages and Blogger, YOU’VE GOT G-MAIL is a good indicator of relationships of the future, much like its predecessor.


One word: Twitter. The YOU’VE GOT MAIL writers are not the fools we once thought they were. They know what the kids these days care about, and they care about the latest craze, Twitter. Ryan’s character struggles during her first few tries at twittering, but once she figures out the smile emoticon is colon with a right close parenthesis, she does just fine.

The movie’s plot is kind of weak, considering there is no conflict, no dialogue, no character development, etc, but it’s good because of all the times the G-mail logo appears on screen. What a beauty! I would see it again just for the Google commercials – they really spoke to me. Did I mention this movie was produced by Google?