Caleb Bills | Staff Writer
On Feb. 17, Hot Topics Discussion Group hosted Karlyn Norton director of Human Resources at Xactware, as their speaker. She shared her thoughts on what new graduates need to do to make a great impression on prospective employers.
Norton gave keys to success in three areas that will make students stand out above their peers.
“Your resume is your first introduction to the employer,” said Norton.
Norton explained that most companies will take a good look at a resume, so not to write an essay. Highlight what is most important by using bullet points, this way the employer can get to the meat and potatoes of who someone is. Employers are looking for well-rounded individuals.
“Get out there and expand your lives; volunteer, participate! We want to see you have social skills,” said Norton.
The interview is the next subject Norton focused on. She advised studying about the company. An applicant needs to have a basic knowledge of their products or what the company does. Make sure to dress appropriately, and dress it up a notch. If the dress is business casual, wear a suit. Norton said in her interviews, she evaluates on three aspects: she wants to see if the candidate has a personality, the skills for the job, and analyzes their handshake. Shake the interviewer’s hand firmly and look them in the eye.
Finally, the third topic was social media. If an applicant uses Linkedin, make sure the profile picture is professional. She advised absolutely no selfies, and no pictures in beach attire. Not all companies will look at Facebook, but several will, so be careful about what is posted, both pictures and statuses. Make sure to have a simple and professional email address.
“You’re not in middle school anymore. No more ‘toughguy@hotmail.’ Knock that stuff off,” said Norton
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