Last-minute costumes

It’s bound to happen. An invitation to a costume party arrives at the last minute and you’re left scrambling to throw together something reminiscent of a costume.


The days of planning out a costume for the entire month of October are over. They are now filled with work schedules, essays and midterm exams. But instead of resigning to fate and showing up costume-less, materials can be found around the house that can result in decent costume.


Costume 1: Greek God

Materials needed: Flat bed sheet, safety pins and fake leaves, if possible.

  • Wrap flat bed sheet around you and secure with safety pins. For added security, pin sheet to clothes underneath, if there are clothes.
  • Make a crown of fake leaves.

Special Tip

Research Greek gods who matches the attire. For instance, if the sheet is black, Hades would be appropriate. If the sheet has a floral pattern, Persephone would be perfect.


Costume 2: Black Cat

Materials needed: Black clothes, headband, black construction paper or tape (we used gaffers tape), washable black marker.

  • Dress in black.
  • Take construction paper, cut out triangles that mimic cat ears and tape to the headband.
  • Take washable marker and draw nose and whiskers.

Special Tip

Be sure the marker is washable. Test it on a hand or wrist before applying it to the face.


Costume 3: Charlie Chaplin

Materials needed: Dark suit, tie, felt hat, tie, umbrella, false mustache.

  • Dress up in your nicest suit, colored shirt and proper tie.
  • Slap a serious look on your face.

Special Tip

Watch a couple YouTube videos of Chaplin if you’re unfamiliar with the character. Use gestures to your advantage –avoid speaking if you can gesture instead.


Taylor Maid Beauty

255 W. Center Street, Provo



39 W. Center Street, Orem


Costume Craze

350 W. Center Street, Pleasant Grove


Halloween City

168 E. University Parkway, Orem


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