LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: UVU Orientation 2018 – 2019

The UVU Review has grown so much since I began writing in 2015. The paper and the journalists who work for it have even won awards for the blood, sweat and tears that were put into their stories. Well, that’s where we come in.

Our student journalists work incredibly hard to keep you informed about what is happening around campus. Journalism is at an interesting point in history; not only are journalists becoming more vilified, they are also seen as less trustworthy. Sadly, this has also led to journalists being killed.

However, our goal is not to mislead or misinform anyone. We work hard to ensure we get the facts right. We do this job because we love it, not because it is a high paying career with a ton of stability. But we are human and mistakes are inevitable.

I promise you we will do everything possible to correct them. The work of journalists is important because it helps keep power in check, and helps the public make informed decisions about politics and social problems.

In fact, one motto we live by is “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.” We want to hold our university accountable for actions that harm oppressed groups while also advocating for solutions to better their experience.

We want our campus to be informed about what is happening behind the scenes. We keep an eye on the administration, clubs, sports, student government and other organizations on campus so that you don’t have to.

Our journalists also report on the arts because they have the power to move and inspire us, as well as instill a connection between students. Without our newspaper, students would never have known about their fees being used to pay off the bond on the Brent Brown Ballpark or about the types of crime that happen on campus.

It is through us, and our hard work, that students learn about their university and how it works.

I am thrilled to serve as the editor-in-chief of this student publication. As EIC, I will continue to serve you and hope to deliver more award-winning coverage by recruiting passionate students, improving our online presence and by listening to our readers’ feedback.

Previous Letters from the Editor are available here

McKhelyn Jones

Editor in Chief and life-long student

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