Letter from the editor: Pioneer Day

schedule 2 min read


Editor. Courtesy of Celeste Tholen Rosenlof

Hello readers,

Even if you’re in the minority of Utah Valley and not a Mormon, you’ve probably heard about the pioneers. What can I say? Those Mormons are as proud of their pioneers as Americans are of their apple pie.

The long and short of the pioneer’s story is that they followed their spiritual leader Brigham Young across the county until he came to the place he felt divinely prompted to call home, saying to his company, “this is the right place,” as he pointed to the desert landscape of the Salt Lake valley. Some were happy to set up camp and follow him, while the more skeptical decided the desert wasn’t the place for them and moved on.

Since that time, Utahans have worked hard to fulfill Brother Brigham’s prophesy that their desert would blossom as a rose. Almost every year, we have to be reminded to conserve the water we so liberally use, because as my mom always explained, “we live in a desert beneath that grass.”

Everybody can find something to celebrate, whether that’s establishing a land on religious freedom, standing up for what you believe in –even being a little bit strange. Find something to get excited about, have a barbeque and remember that we live in a desert under all this grass.

Celeste Tholen Rosenlof
V Magazine Editor

[email protected]