Letter to the editor

The hectic mess that is the walk from the Student Center to the Computer Science Building TO THE EDITOR, I am currently a returning student to UVU and have heard that much has changed here recently. Although not sure exactly what to expect, overall I have been very pleased with the changes.

schedule 2 min read

The hectic mess that is the walk from the Student Center to the Computer Science Building


I am currently a returning student to UVU and have heard that much has changed here recently. Although not sure exactly what to expect, overall I have been very pleased with the changes. The new library is great! The many new computer labs stocked with new computers are also wonderful. But something that has been rather confusing and a bit of a crux to me is the old library building. I am not sure what is happening with that building, only that it is closed and under renovation. When the weather is decent, I have often made the trek outside from the lower end of campus up to the Computer Science Building, but when the weather is bad it is definitely rougher. We all know the old saying about assuming but I am assuming that the old library is being gutted and turned into modern classrooms; I would simply like to know if that is true or not and approximately how long it is estimated that building will be closed? Will we ever be able to trek through that building again?