Math goes tech

Ah, Math. The singular source of graduation frustration in so many of us. Luckily, in the technological age we live in, the internet can save us from failing math multiple times (hopefully).

Two seniors studying digital media, Rob Steffen and Josh Benson, have launched as their senior project a podcast of Professor Ben Moulton’s Intermediate Algebra lectures, available for free download.
This podcast is the first UVU produced content on iTunesU, a strictly educational, not to mention free, part of iTunes.

“By nature of us being the first, we are working out how it would work for other interested departments,” said Steffen. But according to Steffen, all you really need to create the podcast is a microphone, so anyone can potentially develop content for iTunesU. I mean, Berkeley and Harvard do it, so why not UVU?

The math podcast is a way for students to catch things they may have missed in class or to jog your memory for, say the GRE exam.
“It is the virgin marriage of math to technology,” said Steffen.

Side note: Rob Steffen works for UVU Review as the Video Producer, but hey, this story is pretty great, UVU is finally delving into the digital world of informational media. His position on the paper was in no way leveraging. Well, kind of. But the merit of iTunesU’s inauguration outweighs the aggrandizement of Rob Steffen’s senior project.

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