What is your major? Concentration?
My major is Health Education.
What has been your most memorable moment at UVU?
My most memorable experience of UVU was when I was a Presidential Leader for the CAL (Center for the Advancement of Leadership). This wasn’t just one experience, but two years of my college experience that provided wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. I was able to live and work with other UVU students that helped me grow, build relationships, serve, get involved, and have experiences I would not have had if I was not a Presidential Leader.
Biggest achievement?
My biggest achievement just occurred last week when I actually got hired for a career! Believe that–a career in this economy! I will be teaching high school health full-time, as well as coaching the dance team year round.
What are your plans following graduation?
My plans following graduation are first, my cruise in the Caribbean for seven days and seven nights with my husband and friends. Second, continue coaching dance and getting materials ready to start teaching in the fall.
What will you miss about UVU?
I will miss my friends and classmates! I loved being able to walk through UVU and see familiar faces in every hall I walked down. Also, I loved going to class and learning with my classmates with whom I went through the Education program.
Any words of wisdom?
You become what you think about–so start doing! Anyone can imagine themselves becoming successful and going somewhere in life, but they don’t take the initiative to start from the bottom to work themselves up to it.