UVU students and staff have been highly entertained recently due to little toy ducks appearing all over campus.
The ducks are taped to pieces of paper saying, “You found a duck! Take a picture with your numbered duck at the location you found it and DM it to our Instagram! Follow us on Instagram and TikTok: @DucksofUVU”
“I think it’s a really fun concept and it’s fun because it kinda distracts you from thinking about school,” said Michelle Gutierrez, a student who found duck #216 near the UVU Advising Center. “You see the duck and it leaves you wondering what it is that? And then you just wonder what it’s for. I think they’re doing it for fun and for the pleasure of watching others’ entertainment when they find it.”
The UVU Review was able to hold an interview with the student in charge of the account and ask some questions, however, they wished to remain anonymous for the sake of the ducks. They stated that the future plans for their page and group are estimated to go two years or more.
“Me and a couple friends were touring campus and we were in the Keller building, and they have white boards with draws in them and we thought, ‘We could hide stuff in them. Like put stuff in them and then come back later’,” they said. “I don’t know why I think we walked around the pond and there were ducks out there and I was like, ‘Oh we could hide rubber duckies.’”
Their Instagram, “the official Instagram of the ducks hidden around UVU campus,” has posts showcasing ducks numbered on the bottom as high as #223. The UVU Review was puzzled to find one at our new office location on campus, while the campus has had its fair share of bizarre happenings, this one seems to have caught the attention of students all across campus, with the Ducks of UVU instagram featuring several students who have found them..
“Not all of them have been found but we’re trying to hide them in trickier spots. For the first initial wave of them was to get them out there,” they said. “Get people interested in it, see what’s going on with it and eventually we’re going to make them harder to find.”
Stay tuned for future updates on the ducks of UVU.