The completion of this project is expected to immensely benefit UVU. Lab access is essential to meeting class requirements and has become one of the major issues students face on a regular basis.
“There just aren’t enough hours in the day to keep the labs open for the amount of students who need them,” explained Jordan.
The new addition will provide the badly needed space and also leave plenty of room to expand the current enrollment up to double. Higher than the original proposal, the new addition will add 160,000 square feet to the campus. Along with the added space, students will also have better facilities accommodating upper-level science majors as well as for those needing general courses. Due to the current lack of space, much of the University’s high-tech equipment goes unused. This project will make room for new technology, allowing students to participate in a higher level of learning.
Getting approval for the building is going to largely depend on the students. UVUSA has managed to raise $1.6 million through donations from local businesses, alumni and friends of the university. They also sponsored a “Haircuts for Science” fundraiser, which raised $700. And while this may seem like a small amount for a $42 million dollar project, the more money students raise, the more likely it is that the legislature will approve the project.
There are still ways to help the cause. You may have noticed boxes all over campus labeled “Project Sole: Shoes for Science.” This is an effort sponsored by UVUSA and the Alumni Board that will earn $2 for every pair of shoes donated. The shoes will be shipped to Africa, South America and Central America and given to those who cannot afford to buy their own. They are asking for gently used athletic shoes. You can also donate money at Making this project a reality now depends on the students of UVU.
When is legislation looking at passing this?