Police Beat: February 7, 2011

schedule 2 min read

Jan. 24, 2011:
12:47 a.m. – A traffic stop was made for a traffic violation. During the stop, it was found that the driver had a warrant. He was arrested and transported to Utah County Jail.
12:17 p.m. – A phone report was taken about a reported suspicious incident. It has been reported that someone used a key to gain entrance into an office and did not announce him- or herself.
7:19 p.m. – A suspicious package was reported in the BA building. Officer arrived and found the suspicious package. Dispatch was able to contact the RO. RO stated it was garbage. The package was thrown away. No further action was taken.

Jan. 25, 2011:
12:15 a.m. – Officer worked the back lot and the events center while the circus workers were there.
1:25 p.m. – A male student came into the office to report that he had been threatened by another male via Facebook. This was done on his computer at his apartment. Since his apartment was in Orem PD jurisdiction, officer referred him to them.
3:53 p.m. – A male student came to the office and reported that he thinks his Texas Instrument Ti83 is stolen. He first missed it on approximately Jan. 12.
5:26 p.m. – Officer responded to LC 243 on reported found property. Officer found the property was tobacco. Due to it having an expiration date, officer disposed of it.
8:31 p.m. – Responded to a report of an adult white male panhandling near the library.  The individual could not be located. The complainant did not want contact. No further action was taken.

Jan. 27, 2011:
4:49 p.m. – Officer was notified of a male behind Wal-Mart that looked as if he had been hurt. The same time Orem PD was dispatching a man down. Officer arrived and found the man down in front of a car with a large head wound. Obviously deceased. Orem PD and Orem FD responded and took control of the scene.

Jan. 28, 2011:
11:46 a.m. – The Judicial Affairs office reported that a female student that has been trespassing on school property through their office was seen on campus. The reason it was a trespass was that a professor had obtained a stalking order against this female student. The Judicial Affairs office wanted them to try to locate the