Police blotter

Sarah Roberts | Staff Writer | @itssarah_sr




Suspicious Persons:

May 27- Police received reports of a suspicious man on campus. An officer located the man and spoke with him. It turned out the man was only waiting for a ride.

May 28- Officers were informed of a suspicious situation at the Wee Care Center. An alarm was going off, and a person was riding a bike away from the center’s parking lot. Police were able to contact the individual and reset the alarm. No further action was taken.


Disorderly Conduct:

May 27- A man approached an officer and explained he had been in an argument with another man because the man had taken his hat. The officer made contact with the other man and was able to recover the hat without problems.

May 28- An officer saw a truck driving recklessly and causing damage to the gravel parking lot located at the Health Professions Building. The officer spoke with the driver and issued him a citation for criminal mischief.




Under the Influence:

May 30- After an officer pulled over a car for speeding, a police dog detected a weed pipe that was hidden near the engine. The driver was cited accordingly.

June 2-Police caught a woman shoplifting at Kohl’s. While retrieving the stolen items from her purse, the officers found meth and paraphernalia. The woman was arrested and taken to the county jail.



June 2- A juvenile boy started a fire with some paperwork near an LDS church located at 400 E 400 N. The paperwork had the boy’s name on it, so officers were able to track him down and charge him for the offense.

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