Sarah Roberts | Staff Writer | @itssarah_sr
Suspicious Persons:
June 2- An officer on late night patrol noticed a car parked on top of the parking structure with two people sitting on the hood. The officer gave them a verbal warning for trespassing.
June 3- Police received reports of suspicious people in the back lot of the Extended Education Building taking chairs and loading them into a truck. An officer made contact with the individuals and discovered they were UVU employees. No further action was taken.
Assist Other Agencies:
June 2- An officer was assigned to help another agency respond to a suspicious person at University Gateway. After locating the individual in question and checking his information, the officer found that the man had several warrants for his arrest. The man was arrested and taken to jail.
June 8- Police offered to help Orem officers with a man with a mental illness. The reports indicated that the man has a history of violence towards police. Fortunately, the Orem police were able to resolve the situation with help from the crisis hotline.
Traffic Accidents:
June 4- A 15-year-old boy ran out into a busy street and was hit by a passing car. The boy sustained injuries to the lower half of his body and was transported to the hospital for treatment.
June 4- A semi-truck lost its load of large metal pipes as it was turning onto Geneva road. Northbound Geneva was shut down while the mess was cleaned up and the driver of the semi was cited.
June 4- Police received reports of about a dozen cars parked on 800 W that had their windows shot out by a BB gun or pellet gun. A few days later, the owners of 11 more cars reported having their windows shot out. Detectives are investigating the case.
Under the Influence:
June 5- A man called on police to assist him because he was concerned for his wife’s well-being. Officers transported the woman to the hospital for treatment, but found some evidence for marijuana use while they were at the couple’s house. After getting a search warrant, police searched the house and found the makings of a small marijuana distribution organization. The charges were sent to the county attorney.