Sarah Roberts | Staff Writer | @itssarah_sr
Feb. 16- An officer spotted some people in the Classroom Building when the building was closed for the holiday. The officer made contact with the people, gave them a warning, and escorted them out of the building.
Traffic Accidents:
Feb. 18- A traffic accident occurred at 800 W. 1200 S. where two vehicles were too close together while trying to make the long left turn and hit each other. Officers responded and filed a report.
Feb. 20- Officers responded to a traffic accident where one person entered the other person’s vehicle and refused to leave. The officers got statements from both individuals and issued the necessary citations.
Man Hunt:
Feb. 18- Pleasant Grove Police made contact and asked officers to search the parking lots on campus for a possible suicidal individual from Pleasant Grove. The person was not found on UVU property, but was found safe in a different location.
Feb. 20- Officers were asked to search the Student Center for a missing 6-year-old boy. During their search, dispatch informed them that the boy had been located.
Under the Influence:
Feb. 23- An officer stopped a suspicious car and quickly determined the driver was intoxicated. The man was arrested having a blood alcohol concentration level of .358 percent, more than four times the legal limit.
Feb. 23- Two men were caught shoplifting at Wal-Mart. The stolen items were recovered and the men were also found to be in possession of some drugs.
Boot and Run:
Feb. 23- Officers began looking for the man who owns a car that has been booted on two separate occasions, both times the car and boot have disappeared when the tow company returns.