Police Reports


April 15 — 3:35 a.m.

A UVU police officer stopped a vehicle for moving violations near 400 S. Geneva Road. Subsequently, the officer found the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol. A DUI summons and citation was given to the driver, who was then booked into Utah County Jail for the moving violations, DUI and open container.

Theft of Vehicle Parts

April 16 — 8:04 p.m.

A student called police to report that her rear passenger window was stolen from her vehicle parked in Mountainside Lot 22. An officer met with her and photographed the area of the missing window. She said that nothing else was stolen. The theft occurred in an area where there are no cameras. Nothing further to report.

Traffic Offense

April 17 — 8:54 a.m.

An officer responded to Lakeside Lot 4 regarding a traffic offense. The officer located the suspect and spoke to her about the complaint. She was released without any citations.


April 18 — 9:41 a.m.

A student called police to report their backpack was stolen out of their vehicle parked in the parking garage. An officer recorded the items that were stolen, but was unable to locate a suspect because of the lack of surveillance.

Traffic Offense

April 18 — 10:42 p.m.

An officer stopped a vehicle for a non-moving violation near 1150 S. 400 W. in Orem. The driver was issued warnings for the non-moving violation, a “fix-it” ticket and a misdemeanor citation for driving on a suspended license. One passenger was issued a warning for a seat belt violation.


April 19 — 10:43 p.m.

An officer contacted a person who left a book in the Hall of Flags and returned to find it missing. The officer reviewed video footage but was unable to locate a suspect. The person was advised to contact Campus Connection for lost and found the following day. Custodial Services said no such property had been found by staff.

Tobacco Problem

April 20 — 2:19 a.m.

A vehicle was stopped by a UVU officer on 800 South for speeding near the main campus. Upon contacting the occupants, the officer found that the rear passenger was underage and in possession of tobacco products. The passenger was issued a misdemeanor citation.

Criminal Mischief

April 20 — 11:07 p.m.

An officer was dispatched to meet with a complainant about damage that was done to his vehicle while parked in Lakeside Lot 13. The officer determined that the damage to the vehicle was done by hand and not another vehicle. The officer photographed the damage, but was unable to locate a suspect on camera.

McKhelyn Jones

Editor in Chief and life-long student

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