Police Reports

Marijuana Possession

Dec. 26 — 2:46 a.m.

An officer was dispatched to the UVU parking garage on reports of a suspicious vehicle parked on the top level. Upon making contact with the occupants of the vehicle, the officer saw drug paraphernalia in plain sight and smelled burnt marijuana. The occupants willfully surrendered three grams of marijuana, two lighters and the paraphernalia. They were each given a citation and sent on their way.


Knife Assault

Dec. 29 — 10:41 p.m.

An officer responded to the Walmart on Sandhill Road on reports of two men fighting, one armed with a knife. Upon arrival, one of the men did not comply with officer instructions, so he was tasered and taken into custody.


Alcohol Offense

Dec. 30 — 9:50 p.m.

While doing alcohol enforcement, an officer made contact with a minor who was drinking alcohol. The officer seized possession of the alcohol and gave the minor a citation.


Marijuana Possession

Dec. 30 — 10:34 p.m.

An officer observed the smell of burnt marijuana in a vehicle while conducting alcohol enforcement in parking lot 14. The vehicle occupants willingly surrendered a small amount of marijuana and smoking paraphernalia. The owner of the marijuana was cited.


Alcohol Offense

Dec. 30 — 10:58 p.m.

An officer was patrolling on foot in parking lot 14 when a vehicle with three men inside was observed. The officer noticed an open container of alcohol next to the passenger in the backseat. The men were identified and found to be under age, so the officer seized the alcohol and warned them for consuming alcohol within a vehicle.


Marijuana Offense

Dec. 30 — 10:58 p.m.

While conversing with two individuals in a vehicle, an officer observed a bag of marijuana in plain view at the feet of the passenger. The passenger was cited for possession and released.


Tobacco Problem

Dec. 30 — 10:58 p.m.

While conducting a patrol on foot, an officer observed a vehicle with two individuals and found the driver to be in possession of tobacco. The officer seized the tobacco products and issued the driver a warning. The passenger was found to be in possession of narcotics.

McKhelyn Jones

Editor in Chief and life-long student

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