Satchels, briefcases or backpacks for men–when is it appropriate to wear what?
“It is more practical to use a backpack for school. There is no way for a satchel to work [for school].” -Anthony Bertrand, a sophomore studying English
“The bag can’t look too much like a purse…but some guys can pull it off.” -Troy Vawdrey, a freshman studying communications
“I use a [satchel] because it fits a laptop and is easy to put on. It makes me feel like I am wearing a purse.”-Patric Bates, a senior studying art
“I would use a briefcase to be organized in a professional setting when a backpack would look too much like college.”-Troy Vawdrey, a freshman studying communications
“I use them all. It depends on what I have to carry, how long I have to carry it for and what I am wearing.”-Loren Peterson a junior studying photography
“I use a backpack because it can carry a lot like my camera and laptop. I have used a briefcase before from Chile that was handmade and cool.” –Sergio Ogaz, a senior studying graphic design
“A satchel is lighter and easier to walk around with and it’s more fashionable. When I do business with people a briefcase makes me look more professional.”- Mike Overby, a freshman studying communications
“Bookbags are more practical. I have used a sidebag before which is fine for small things.”-Kurtis Nelson, a sophomore studying construction management
“I use a backpack when I have to carry a lot of things like chemicals and different things for art classes.” –Patric Bates, a senior studying art
“I don’t care as much about looks as I do about its utility. And price is important. I would like to try a satchel, they look nice and they seem like they carry a lot.”-Logan Lisle, a freshman studying business management
“A backpack is easier to carry all day. I used a satchel on my mission, but I don’t think I would use a briefcase because I like to have my hands free. In the future I might use a briefcase for a chance to look professional or for a meeting or something special.”-David Garcia, a freshman studying business management
“I have never had anything but a backpack because they carry more things. If I were in Europe I might wear a satchel or use a briefcase in the business world.”-Matty Lawler, a senior studying cinema
If you do want to wear a satchel, find fantastic man satchels at They look manly and fashionable!