Re-experience adolescence, but with legal inebriation

Image courtesy of Yahoo Movies

The transition from high school life to post-high school life is difficult, but who could make that transition easier than Steve Buscemi? Movies like Ghost World bring a realization of this world in a very relatable way. Brewvies will be showing the cult classic based on the comic of the same name from the early ‘90s this Saturday.

The awkward, humorous and dark story stars Thora Birch and Scarlett Johannson as friends Enid and Rebecca. The film explores their summer after graduation as students who didn’t fit in with the rest of their graduating class. The story follows their observations of the people in their community and their occasional mischief that involves the locals as they learn and grow into their more adult selves.

While Ghost World is as much of an outsider in popular Hollywood movies as its main characters are in their own town, the film has received much recognition as being more than some coming-of-age teen comedy. The film was directed by Terry Zwigoff (Bad Santa, Crumb, Art School Confidential) and adapted by the comic creator Daniel Clowes and has received much praise since its release in 2001.

The Brewvies showing begins at 8 p.m. on Dec. 29. This place does serve alcohol, so anyone under 21 probably won’t get in. However, the movie is free and those interested are encouraged to RSVP through Facebook.

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