Obtaining a secondary education degree is not always a given for every student with a desire to attend.
Some students have been able to save money for a long time in preparation for college while others are fortunate to have parents or other relatives that have the means to pay for their schooling. For many, with tuition costs on the rise across the United States, paying for school can be a real burden.
According to the Economic Development Corporation of Utah, in 2010 there were 199, 687 students enrolled full-time in Utah’s 12 Public and Private Colleges/Universities.
Utah Valley University offers an array of scholarships to students based on specific qualifications. Students may not be aware of the resources that are available to them as far as scholarships offered right here on campus, but there is a valuable resource right at their fingertips.
For new and transferring students, the Academic Merit Scholarship is awarded based on academic performance from the students transferring college or high school. There are four types of awards that fall under this scholarship. More details can be found on the UVU Scholarship page.
Various departments on campus offer scholarships called Exceptional Performance Scholarships. These departments include but are not limited to Athletics, Dance, Student Government, and Theater. This scholarship requires applicants to earn 12 credit hours per semester with a cumulative GPA from 2.0 – 3.0. Awards are available for full-tuition for one or two semesters.
The Wolverine Ambassador Scholarship Program is designed for top student leaders. The program provides these students with leadership development opportunities through their help with campus outreach, recruitment, etc. This scholarship places you in the public eye to represent UVU in the recruitment process. Students applying for this award must fill out an application online and submit it via mail or fax to Whitney Olson in Prospective Student Services.
The above is just a small sample of the many different scholarships offered at UVU. There are many more available for students coming from different backgrounds and circumstances to help in what can be a very stressful financial time in student’s lives.
For more information on scholarships available at and through UVU, visit http://www.uvu.edu/financialaid/scholarships/availablescholarships.html