On Nov. 16 UVU students will be given a unique oppor- tunity to learn about the role of social media in today’s branding.
#UVUSOCIAL, a twitter hash tag, will feature guest speaker Cory Edwards, the director of social media and corporate reputation at Dell.
Edwards is an expert in so- cial media and a local in the area, having studied at BYU. Edwards will talk about the rise of social media and the use of social media for brand- ing companies.
“I think it’s a great learn- ing opportunity for [students] to get the real perception from someone who works in social media,” said communication Professor Matt Kushin.
The event also has an interactive game within it. #UVUSOCIAL Hunt is a social game that allows UVU students to earn points by completing challenges around campus. In order to play, participants must have an iPhone, Android smart phone or iPod Touch with the APP SCVNGR loaded on it. Once a player has received 15 points they are eligible to win one of five UVU Bookstore gift cards worth $25. The recipi- ents will be announced at #UVUSOCIAL.
The event is sponsored by UVU PRSSA, the Department of Communica- tion, and the College of Humanities and Social Sci- ences. Kushin’s COMM 350R Special Topics: Social Media class is also helping put on the event and will be streaming live throughout the whole thing.
#UVUSOCIAL will be held in SC206a on Nov. 16 at 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. For more information on the event or how to play the game students can visit http://bit.ly/uvusocialhunt or scan the QR code.
News Writer