Spectrum club responds to LDS policy

schedule 3 min read

The Spectrum Club provides safe environment for all individuals

Cheyenn Clayburn | Staff Writer

Many members of the UVU Spectrum club have an LDS background and were affected by the latest policy changes that were announced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Nov. 5.

Since the announcement the Spectrum club has strived to be a forum for individuals to come and talk and receive support.

“It makes them feel like they have to choose between their sexual orientation or gender affiliation and being LDS,” said Karen Deysher program manager of the LGBT student services.

The purpose of Spectrum club is to promote awareness and to provide a safe environment on campus for all students, staff and community members. It is intended to be a place where they can feel free to be themselves without being judged

“With Spectrum I found a second home. I didn’t have to pretend. I could be my genuine self,” said Spectrum President Spencer Carter.

Since the announcement the club has strived to be a forum for individuals to come and talk and receive support.

Several faculty and staff members have also contacted the LGBT Student Services to find out how they could become more educated to help support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual individuals in their departments.

One way they can do this is to go through the Safe Zone training. This training fosters an environment of inclusion by educating individuals about LGBTQIA issues relating to sexuality and gender. Some of the things that are taught at this training include how to intervene when discrimination is witnessed and how to create a safe environment free of bias.

These trainings are offered twice a month, with the next one being held Thursday Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. in SC 206 G/H.

The Spectrum club was designed to be a supportive community for all individuals regardless of the sexual orientation that they identify with.

Spectrum provides physical and mental health education, social support, advocacy and opportunities for personal growth with a variety of services. Some of these services include student leadership development, student support discussion groups, peer networking opportunities, socials, graduation celebrations, peer mentoring, one-on-one advising and support, lending library of LGBTQIA resources and referrals for other services when needed.

This club has weekly meetings in LA 126 every Monday from 3-4 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. During these meetings the club covers various discussion topics, answers questions and presents upcoming events.

“We invite everyone to come to LA 126 and hang out, chill, socialize, talk and get support,” Deysher said.

UVU’s Spectrum club has 568 members associated with its Facebook group Spectrum: LGBTQA+ Alliance and approximately 25-30 active members that attend its meetings.