How have you spent your summer so far?
“Being poor and single. Wait…that’s how I spend my year.” –Matthew Jonassaint
“Writing and reading non-class related material. It would be a dream if I didn’t have to work at the same time.” –Loran Cook
“This summer I’ve been working in the Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington DC. I’m the Assistant to the Political Councilor. My job is to go with the Political Councilor to all of his speaking assignments, take note and then make a summary of what was said at the conference, (when he isn’t the only speaker). I go to lunches with other political leaders from around the world. So far I have met with a lot of people that work very hard for their country every day. While in DC I’ve seen President Obama speak at Arlington Cemetery and toured the White House, as well as catch an occasional Washington Nationals baseball game. Its a great summer thus far and it is making me into the professional person I would like to be.” –Dave Iba
“I’ve been in Europe for the summer. I have basically been trying to take advantage of every new experience that has presented itself. Plays, museums, pubs, venues, foreigners… all of these opportunities have elevated my thought process.” –Jessica Burnham
“I’ve spent it working.” –Josh Perry
“…comatose.” –Trent Bates
“I’ve been slacking with summer. Not nearly enough sun, hiking, video games, and DVDs.” –Greg Wilcox
“So far this summer (which doesn’t actually commence until June 21) I have cleaned up my desk (which made working a good deal less desirable), cleaned up my closet (which made finding my shoes a good deal easier) and cleaned up a broken friendship (which makes my heart hurt a good deal less).” –Robbin Anthony